
⛏ Terraria: The Board Game

Created by Re-Logic + Paper Fort Games

Dig, fight, explore and build in this co-operative tabletop adventure for 1-4 intrepid Terrarians!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

August 2024 Update: Pledge Manager Reminder + Development News + Boss Miniatures + Hive Update + Lots of Art!
25 days ago – Wed, Aug 28, 2024 at 07:27:21 AM

Hello Terrarians! 🌳 

We’ve got an exciting update this month, with lots of new art 🎨, development news and an update on our adopted Hive 🐝; let’s jump right in!

🚨 Pledge Manager Reminder

80% of backers have completed their pledge manager surveys so far; thank you to everyone who has filled theirs in! If you haven’t filled in your survey, please do so ASAP; it’s vital for us to get your game to you and only takes a few minutes.

If you can’t find the link to your survey in your emails, you can find it via "Lost your survey?" at .

Playmat Add-On

If you selected the playmat add-on during the KS campaign, you’ll see £39 credit when you access your survey; don’t forget to add the playmat to your basket!

Below are George’s black + white work-in progress sketches of the Terrarian vs. Wall of Flesh scene that will be featured on the full-art side of the game’s playmat. We’ll be sharing the final, full-colour image as soon as it’s available; we can’t wait to use this side of the mat for other card games, or as a desk mat!

If you haven’t yet added the playmat to your pledge, you’ve still got time! 😀 Just go back to your survey and click the ‘Edit Your Order’ button (shown below). Once you’ve made the change, make sure to click ‘Confirm’.

Pledge Manager Timeline

Below is a quick reminder of the estimated pledge manager milestones. You’ll be warned before each milestone so you have a chance to review your order and payment details. 

If you have any problems, please contact BackerKit Support via: or email us at [email protected]

📝 Game Development

Over the past month, we’ve been fine-tuning some of the game’s mechanisms and rules based on feedback received from backers and playtesters. Here are some of the features we’ve been focusing on:

-Movement, digging and line-of-sight rules (these have been simplified and made more consistent)
-Weapon range adjustments to minimise square-counting and to better reflect the digital game
-Hook-based movement; you can now equip a hook to get around more easily!
-Updated difficulty scaling for 1/2 player vs 3/4 player games, including changes to objectives, bosses and available inventory slots based on player count
-Small changes to resource/ equipment sharing rules to disincentivise inventory offloading pre-death
-Addition of pylons allowing long-distance mid to end-game travel

We’ve also been working on physical aspects of the game, making quality-of-life improvements to the player boards, enemy tokens and enemy wound tracking.

🐛 Biome Tiles: Now with Critters!

During the campaign, we asked for your favourite critters, and we’ve been adding as many of them as we can to the game’s biome tiles (alongside ambient objects). Below are just a few examples; which critters can you spot?  Adding these new features has really brought the tiles to life and made each feel even more unique. Though these are just aesthetic additions, we hope you’ll have fun discovering your favourite critters amongst the tiles!   

👀 Modular Miniatures

We’ve been working closely with our manufacturing partners on the boss miniatures to make sure that they’re easy to put together and take apart; below are examples of the ‘key’ system we’re working on. We’ve requested a couple of changes (for example, now that King Slime is transparent, we need to change the direction of the keys so that the sticky-out bit of the crown isn’t visible inside the miniature) but even so, we are hoping to receive physical samples for all of the boss miniatures in the next couple of weeks so we can test them out. We’ll share a video of the miniatures in action when they arrive! 

Updated WIP digital renders of the boss miniature ‘key’ system

🐝 The Underground Hive is Live!

The beehive that we adopted as part of the campaign’s social goals has now been chosen; the team down at Much Birch went above and beyond, taking the time to choose a hive worthy of the ‘Underground Jungle’ name! The sign reads 'The 'Underground Jungle' Hive; adopted by Paper Fort Games on behalf of the Terraria community'.

Thank you to every one of you for making this possible; we're hoping to get down to see the hive in-person at some point this summer! 


Until Next Time! 

We’ll be back in September with our next update; in the meantime, if you have any problems with the pledge manager, please contact BackerKit Support at or email us at [email protected] with any other queries. 

As always, thank you so much for your support; it means a huge amount to us! 

The Paper Fort Games Team

BackerKit Pledge Manager Update + Remaining Adoptions Complete!
2 months ago – Thu, Jul 18, 2024 at 01:08:14 PM

Hello Terrarians! 🌳

We’re very happy to announce that our pledge manager, BackerKit, has passed the internal review process! Here's an overview of what will happen next 😊 

'Smoke Test'

The first step is the ‘smoke test’ where a small number of invitations are sent out to check the system (we don’t get to choose who receives their survey as part of the smoke test; it’s random). We'll be sending these 'smoke test' invitations over the next 24 hours and checking that things are working as expected over the next few days. If everything looks good, we’ll send the remainder of the invitations next week. 

Survey Invitations

When you receive the survey invitation email, click the survey link to respond. Please do so as soon as possible; you don’t need to create a BackerKit account and the survey will only take a few minutes. You’ll confirm the pledge you made on Kickstarter (and will be able to upgrade your order if you wish), provide shipping information and add a payment method.

If you need to review your information or pledge status, you can return to your survey by clicking the link in your survey email or requesting your survey link under "Lost your survey?" on our BackerKit project page at . You can go back and change your responses at any time before we close the surveys.

Don't panic if your survey invitation takes a while to come through; it won't affect your pledge. Please only contact us if you haven't received it by 1st August. 

Pledge Manager Milestones

Below is a quick overview of the estimated pledge manager milestones. You’ll be warned via email and Kickstarter update before each milestone so you have a chance to review your order and payment details. 

If you have any problems with the pledge manager, please contact BackerKit Support at or email us at [email protected] . Please use these contact methods for queries; it's much easier for us to keep track of any issues via these routes than it is via comments or KS messages.

🍎 Important Reminder for AppleID Users

If you pledged to the campaign using AppleID on Kickstarter (i.e. using a email address), it will cause issues receiving emails from BackerKit.

If you have used AppleID, please email us ASAP at [email protected] with your name, Kickstarter pledge number (which can be found in your Kickstarter pledge confirmation email) and an alternative email address; we’ll change it for you. If you’ve already emailed, thank you; you don’t need to contact us again.

Please note that email addresses are not affected and do not need to be changed. 

🐝🐧🌳 Remaining Adoptions Complete! 

We just received confirmation of our penguin adoption from Edinburgh Zoo, our planting of 100 trees and the beehive adoption at Much Birch; we’re planning a trip down to the hive later in the summer so we’ll be sure to take some pictures to share with you all! 😊 Thank you so much for helping us unlock these adoptions via the campaign’s social goals; each one will help towards vital conservation and research.

Once again, if you have any problems with the pledge manager, please contact BackerKit Support at or email us at [email protected]

As always, thank you for your support; have a lovely weekend!

- The Paper Fort Games Team

BackerKit Pledge Manager Information + Adoption Update + Desktop Backgrounds
2 months ago – Fri, Jul 12, 2024 at 06:45:11 AM

Hello Terrarians! 🌳

We hope you’ve all been well while we’ve been recuperating post-campaign; thank you for helping answer questions in the comments 😀 Just a reminder; now that the campaign is over, we’re checking comments and KS messages once a week, so if you have an urgent query, please email [email protected].

BackerKit Pledge Manager Information

The pledge manager (BackerKit) is nearly ready; our setup is currently going through internal checks by the BackerKit team. Once it’s approved, we’ll send a small number of invitations out to check the system (known as a ‘smoke test’) and if things are working as expected, we’ll send the remainder of the invitations shortly afterwards.

The pledge manager is where you’ll be able to review your pledge, manage add-ons, purchase additional copies of the game and provide a delivery address. Closer to fulfilment, it’s also where you’ll pay for your shipping (and taxes if applicable).

We expect that the smoke test will happen next week; we’ll publish a mini-update when we start this process (along with more information about how the pledge manager works).

🍎❗ Important Information for AppleID Users:

If you pledged to the campaign using AppleID (i.e. using a email address), it is likely to cause issues receiving emails from BackerKit. 

If you have used AppleID, please email us ASAP at hello@paperfortgames with your name, Kickstarter pledge number (which can be found in your Kickstarter pledge confirmation email) and an alternative email address; we’ll change it for you. 

🐋Adoption Update

Since the campaign, we’ve also been working on the adoptions unlocked via social goals. So far, we’ve had confirmation of the Orca adoption via Born Free and Vulture adoption from the Hawk Conservancy Trust. It turns out that both of these already had official names (Springer and Simba), but we’ll continue to call them by their nominated pseudonyms; Fishron and Michael Keaton!

We’ve also applied for the penguin adoption at Edinburgh Zoo, the planting of 100 trees via Just One Tree and for the bee hive from Much Birch; that one’s particularly fun because we can paint the hive and put a plaque up on it too!  We’ll keep you up to date as more info comes in 😊

💻 Desktop Backgrounds

All backers will shortly be receiving a private Kickstarter message that contains a link to the Terraria-themed desktop background; we hope you enjoy it! 

We'll be back in touch once the pledge manager smoke test goes live; in the meantime, if you have any questions, please email [email protected].

- The Paper Fort Games team

Thank You So Much! + What Happens Next?
3 months ago – Fri, Jun 21, 2024 at 07:05:30 AM

Hello Terrarians! 🌳

What an amazing 3 weeks it has been! 😃 Thank you to every single backer; to each one of you who has shared the project, made a comment, voted for an adoptee’s name, joined us for an AMA, entered our build contest or helped in countless other ways; we couldn’t have asked for a better community 😍.

I (Chris) want to say a personal thanks to the Paper Fort Games team for working their socks off to make the campaign a success 🙏.

As a team, we'd like to thank Re-Logic for their unwavering support, and for allowing us to bring Terraria to your tabletop, as well as the fantastic freelance creatives who’ve helped us bring the game to life through art, sculpting, videography, soundtrack and voiceover work 💪. 

❓ What Happens Next?

The whole PFG team will be taking a couple of weeks off to recover from the campaign; if you have any questions, please feel free to message us via Kickstarter or email us at [email protected] but please bear in mind we’ll answer once we’re back in the office.

Pledge Manager

We hope to open the post-campaign pledge manager (BackerKit) within the next 2-3 weeks. You’ll receive an invitation to the pledge manager via email (sent to the email address you use for Kickstarter). Here, you’ll be able to review your pledge, manage add-ons, purchase additional copies of the game and provide updated delivery addresses in the case of a house move. It’s also where you’ll pay for your shipping and taxes (if applicable).

You’ll receive emails from BackerKit before we lock orders and addresses, and before we charge cards for shipping.  To avoid missing these emails, please add [email protected] to your safelist to stop them being marked as spam.

Comments and Messages

Once we are back, we will be checking and responding to comments on the Kickstarter page and to Kickstarter messages once a week. If you require an urgent response, please email us at [email protected].


We will be publishing Kickstarter updates once a month, starting in July, to keep you in the loop. We may post additional updates with important milestones or information, but at a minimum we will check in monthly to report on progress (even if it’s just to say ‘nothing new to report’!).

💻 Desktop Backgrounds

Shortly after we return, all backers will be receiving a Kickstarter message that will contain a link to a Terraria-themed desktop background; we hope you enjoy it!  

Thank you for everything, Terrarians! 🌳

- The Paper Fort Games Team

Mini-Update: Limited Edition Pwnhammer!
3 months ago – Fri, Jun 21, 2024 at 02:50:15 AM

🔨 Mystery Unlock: Pwnhammer!

Hello Terrarians! 🌳

Our final goal was the Mystery Unlock; we’re excited to reveal that every backer at the Gold or Hellstone pledge levels (including those who upgrade in the pledge manager) will receive a foiled, uniquely numbered, limited edition Pwnhammer card! 

It doesn’t do anything right now, but maybe it will in the future… 👀

Please note; the card number you receive will be random and is not linked to your Kickstarter backer number.

We'll be back with our final update just after the campaign ends; don't forget to share the campaign with anyone who you think would like to get their hands on the Pwnhammer! 

-  The Paper Fort Games team